Whois Privacy?
Whois Privacy is a domain name hiding service that helps you protect your personal information such as email, phone numbers from unauthorized individuals or organizations for the purpose of spamming.
Is domain name privacy important?
When you register for a domain name, you must declare the information, but name, address, telephone number, email, company, and so on. Whois Privacy service.
If you think nobody’s getting that information or it’s not really important then you’re wrong. Everyday, the bots of individuals or organizations always hunt for new domain names and get information from that domain.
Your information when taken as email, phone number may be sold on UG forums along with other victims. If you do not fit into the list then the email will continue to be spam by the advertising services, website design, logo design, … extremely uncomfortable.
If you spend a small amount of money to sign up for the Whois Privacy service, all of that anxiety will go away. Your information will now be “fake” to some inaccurate information.
Where is Privacy Registration?
Domain name providers will often provide Whois Privacy services to you, if you register new domain name, the provider will suggest you this service. Custom providers that will have different amounts.
However, there are some free Whois Privacy service providers when you purchase their domain name registrations such as: First year free domain name registration at Namecheap or lifetime free domain registration at Namesilo .
So, you also know the importance of the registration service hidden domain name information then. If you do not want the bad guys to steal your personal information, quickly register your domain name