Tag: FastPanel

Install SSL Vultr VPS
3 popular and easy ways to install SSL for Vultr VPS
Today, installing SSL for websites has become a basic security standard to ensure the safety of data and user information. This article will guide you through 3 popular and easy ways to install SSL for VPS Vultr to effectively protect your website. ***You can get free $200 Vultr credit on this...
Install Let's Encrypt SSL on FastPanel
How to install Let’s Encrypt SSL on FastPanel?
After successfully installing WordPress on FASTPANEL, your website will need to be installed with an SSL certificate to...
How to install WordPress on FastPanel?
As you know, FASTPANEL is one of the free, popular control panels that can be installed on both...
How to install multiple PHP versions on FASTPANEL?
By default, after installing FASTPANEL we only have the default PHP 5.4 version to use. So if we...
Reset Passowrd FastPanel
How to reset password in FastPanel?
In some cases, you forgot the password of FastPanel but don't know how to reset it? In this...
How to disable SELinux on CentOS 7?
SELinux is a security part of the Server. However, in many cases when you want to install software,...